What do we wear?

We aren’t your ordinary gospel choir - as you’ve hopefully seen - we love to bring our own vibe, style and colour to our performances. In 2022, we’ve added two new looks, collaborating with our very own Jaz Ellington’s label, Ellington James, so you can choose what style and colour would work best for your wedding, party, corporate event and funeral. We hope we look as good as we sound!

Blue and White - popular with weddings in particular, but also funerals to bring some colour and light. It’s an all rounder look! Perfect for a 6 or 7 piece choir.

Gospel Choi Blue Outfits

Bright, floral pink - it’s a hit with parties and corporate events and the odd wedding too! The matching pocket squares brighten up the black jackets. This is perfect for a quartet with pianist.

Green and Blue - our newest look for 2024 is a bit more trendy and casual, with white trainers and zipped polo top for the guys, jumpsuits and heels for the ladies. You may not want this for a wedding or funeral, but it’s great for some corporate events, festivals, concerts and parties. We can also do this look with just blue.

Just Blue - a streamlined look, either with black or white shirts, and with the patterned ties/belts, or not!

Autumnal tones - from blues for the men to coral, pinks, browns and peach for the women, this works for a larger choir and more overall colour.

Gospel Choir Autumnal Tones

Black Tie, or just black - sometimes the simplicity of black fits the occasion. Though more recently for funerals, we have been asked to wear colour, we are still asked for all black. And there are the occasional black tie events too.

Robes - now before you get excited, the robes below were hired. But they look great don’t they? We unfortunately don’t own white robes, however we do 7 black robes, 5 green robes, and 7 purple robes, plus 10 gold stoles, 3 red stoles and 2 blue stoles. Please note, it does cost a little more for us to wear them to cover dry cleaning and pressing. You are so welcome to hire white or any other colour gowns for us to wear.

Gospel Choir White Robes

So! Take your pick for whatever suits your event and your personalities. Our mission is to be an unforgettable part of the day!

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